
featured exhibition

About me

Since middle school, and throughout high school, I was actively pursuing arts and music. In my early twenties, I was pursuing my dream of living in Sydney, and after returning to my motherland, the Czech Republic, I started dabbling with photography. Soon, I found myself working for a Prague-based company, the Institute of Digital Photography, where I had the opportunity to meet and work with many of the top Czech photographers. After leaving the company, I became my own boss. I have translated several photography books and travel guides for photographers, worked alongside one of the leading Czech wedding photographers, Petr Pelucha, started a small portrait photography business, got married and travelled the world. Relatively recently, I set my heart on fine art photography and realized that this is the path for me. My favorite quote is “Explore.Dream.Discover.”. Photography gives me the opportunity to explore creative possibilities, dream some more and discover my own hidden layers. Welcome to my world.